French Nouvelle Cuisine with Chef Brandon Zarb
Paris is entering another culinary golden age. And with its visually stunning influences, Chef Brandon Zarb is bringing French Nouvelle to frame. In contrast to cuisine classique, an older form of haute cuisine, French Nouvelle cuisine is characterized with lighter, more delicate dishes and an increased emphasis on presentation. Knowledge and attention to detail pervades this entire menu. Speaking of presentation, we can’t wait for you to meet our new frame Wine Director and Sommelier, Bryan Lamorena. He’s amassed a beautiful collection of wines from France and will be taking the starring role at your table with a French wine pairing.
saumon guéri cured salmon cauliflower mousse . parsley gelée
salade d’hiver winter salad fifty ingredients
tête de cochon smoked pork torchon violette mustard . petite mache . pickled beet
loup de mer en papillote sea bass cooked in paper lemon . piperade . bouquet garni
canard à l’orange duck with orange belgian endive . hazelnut . pomme purée
foie gras goose liver crème brulee . medjool date . pain de campagne
Saturday, February 9th 5:30 pm and 8:30 pm seatings $65 per person + tax and service fee Included: 6 French Nouvelle courses by Chef Brandon Zarb and Table Service by Sommelier, Bryan Lamorena Additional: Wine pairing by frame Wine Director, Sommelier, Bryan Lamorena Cocktails and Beers will also be available.
Tickets on Sale Now!