Fermentation Workshop with Ann Arbor's The Brinery and David Klingenberger


Fermentation Workshop with Ann Arbor's The Brinery and David Klingenberger Frame & FRAMEbar > Fermentation Workshop with Ann Arbor’s The Brinery and David Klingenberger

frame (frame academy) presents Fermentation Workshop with Ann Arbor’s The Brinery and David Klingenberger

Get ready to master the art of fermentation – we’ve fallen in love with Ann Arbor’s Brinery who specializes in living, raw, and unpasteurized fermented foods.

Founded in 2010 with a small batch of fresh cabbage from Tantré Farm in Chelsea, The Brinery  is led by Chief Fermentation Officer, David Klingenberger, who is coming straight to frame to lead this 2-hour workshop. We will be introduced to the fundamentals of fermentation, get to know the history and cultural significance of preserving healthy and wholesome produce and  hands-on make sauerkraut … which we will then take home to ferment. Ask all the burning questions you have on this ancient art of food preservation – while given the chance. And let’s learn something good together … by recalling our ancestors who used fermentation to preserve food out of necessity. Brinery products and snacks for munching while we work.
Thursday, November 7th 6:30pm $65 per person + tax and service fee Each workshop is limited to 20 guests Included: A two-hour fermentation workshop held by Chief Fermentation Officer, David Klingenberger of The Brinery.  Your jar of home-made sauerkraut, the recipes, Q + A time and Brinery products for snacking. Additional: Beer, Wine, frame cocktails
Tickets on sale now. While we are so grateful it’s still warm and sunny, we know the inevitable winter is…coming. Whether you’re looking to book a casual company strolling happy hour, a frame (academy) workshop for team-building or a groovy DJ with a seated chef dinner experience with paired wines and cocktails, we’ve got you covered with a frame holiday entertaining private experience, curated just for you. events@framehazelpark.com