Sunday at Babushka's with Mark Kurlyandchik and family


Sunday at Babushka's with Mark Kurlyandchik and family Frame & FRAMEbar > Sunday at Babushka’s with Mark Kurlyandchik and family

frame and The Detroit Free Press Top Ten Takeover present Sunday at Babushka’s with Mark Kurlyandchik and family
Although Mark Kurlyandchik now spends his days and nights hopping from restaurant to restaurant in search of a transcendent meal and a unique story, his deepest sense of hospitality comes from the epic family house parties of his immigrant youth. As a child, the Soviet-born Free Press restaurant critic could only watch as toasts were made and vodka was downed before dinner turned to dancing, the feast extending well into the next day. The multi-day food prep was always a family affair, especially when both babushkas lived in the house. But all the grating and grinding were worth it in the end, when guests would arrive to a set table overflowing with dishes from all corners of the U.S.S.R. – plov from the eastern plains, aristocratic Russian salads and Lithuanian peasant dumplings all had a place. Bringing friends and family together to share stories, to laugh, to remember (or forget) and, really, just to celebrate life and love – that is the spirit of the Russian table. This “Soviet” dinner at frame, part of the Detroit Free Press/Metro Detroit Chevy Dealers Top 10 Takeover dining series, draws from Kurlyandchik’s complicated background — a Lithuanian-born Russian speaker with a Jewish last name and a Polish bloodline – and both babushkas now departed. He’ll be joined in the kitchen by his mother and siblings, while his cousin Rima Kourliandtchik (bar manager at the Oakland Art Novelty Co. in Ferndale) will handle the booze. You don’t want to miss this one.
MENU {{ Russian Welcome }} “bread and salt” {{ one }} “zakuski” assorted cold cuts, cheeses and pickled things {{ two }} “herring under a fur coat + salat Olivier” traditional Russian salads {{ three }} “saltibarsciai/chlodnik” cold beet soup {{ four }} “cepelinai w/shkvarki” Lithuanian potato and meat dumplings with bacon & onions {{ dessert }} “napoleon cake”
Saturday, August 26th 4:00pm and 7:00pm $80 / person + tax Included: A soviet meal complete with a few Russian surprises. Additional: Beer, Wine and Russian cocktails and lots of vodka!
Tickets on sale (exclusive at the Free Press Ticket site) Aug 10th at Noon – via this link – RESERVE HERE