Black Grass Cider Tasting Experience (frame holiday gift guide)


Black Grass Cider Tasting Experience (frame holiday gift guide) Frame & FRAMEbar > Black Grass Cider Tasting Experience (frame holiday gift guide)

frame (holiday gift guide) presents A Black Grass Cider Tasting Experience with Sommelier Sean Crenny 
Frankly, you’d be hard-pressed trying to find two more knowledgeable individuals than the esteemed Dan Pucci and Craig Cavallo when it comes to the world of Cider. After becoming the founding beverage director at Wassail, New York City’s first cider bar, and restaurant, Dan has since traveled the country in continued pursuit of cider education, awareness, and research. Craig too has decades’ worth of expertise in this sphere, his work has been published in Condé Nast Traveler, GQ, New York magazine’s Grub Street, Thrillist, and Vice Munchies. And of course, a summer cider dinner in our own abode here at frame. Sommelier Puccie and food journalist Cavallo. Together these two give us the in-cider scoop on creating a true cider experience with hand-selected Michigan Black Grass Cider’s by Monk Punk Cider Maker, Ian Radogost-Givens. Add in two cider glasses designed to maximize one’s ability to enjoy a sparkling cider by preserving the bubbles longer, and still giving all of those luscious aromas a place to congregate. And Bam. Call us crazy. But there’s nothing we like more than a hand-crafted gift born out of true passion. Cheers!

++ we produce and ship holiday gifts direct . treat your clients and employees to the gift of curated frame experience boxes ++ shoot us a note here and let us get gifting for you!

frame (holiday gift guide) A Black Grass Cider Tasting Experience $72.oo plus tax Included: Copy of American Cider by Dan Pucci and Craig Cavallo, published by Penguin House Random. 1 Bottle of Michigan Black Grass Naturally Fermented Dry Hard Cider made in collaboration with Pux Cider 1 Bottle of Michigan Black Grass Naturally Fermented Dry Hard Cider made with Northern Spy apples 2 Cider Glasses Add On: The distinctive scent of frame’s sensory experience in a custom scented candle. Yes, it’s here, just in time for the holidays. We are proud to announce our official collaborative with maxlow candle. Bringing frame’s spirit home. Plunging headfirst into a sensory blend of Tobacco, Caramel and Amber slowly unfolding. Flickering on your bedside table or home bar. $30. 45+ hours of burning time. Ready for gifting in a frame-styled box. Choose your pick-up time for Saturday, December 18th 10:00am until 12:00 Noon behind our building at frame Please stay in your car and our team will bring your frame holiday gift box(es) out to you. Please Place Your Orders by December 11th so Our Curators Have Time To Batch Your Handcrafted Gifts.

Pre-Covid canceled frame tickets: If you have a frame credit that you would like to use for a frame holiday gift box please email us here and we will happily honor your credit. Give the gift of frame and FRAMEbar Not exactly sure which experience to choose from in frame’s holiday gift guide? We’ve got you covered. Choose a gift card by clicking HERE and let your recipient choose between a Yurt dining experience, a curated cookbook box, and more!
Please Place Your Orders by December 11th so Our Curators Have Time To Batch Your Handcrafted Gifts. On Sale November 24th at Noon for a December 18th pick-up at frame